McHenry, IL

Chicago, IL


Did you know that heating and cooling account for 50 to 70% of the energy used in the average American home, while lighting and appliances account for only 10 to 30%? We’ve all been taught it makes good sense to turn off lights and appliances, but what can we do about reducing energy and costs needed for heating and cooling? The answer is insulation.

The fact is, inadequate insulation and air leakage are leading causes of energy waste in most homes. However, by insulating your home properly, you can make a big difference in reducing energy and costs – saving up to 50% on your utility bills.

Much of the existing housing in the United States is not insulated to the best level. Older homes are likely to use more energy than newer homes, leading to very high heating and air-conditioning bills. Even if you are building a new home, choosing upgraded insulation will save enough money in reduced utility bills to pay for itself within only a year or two, plus it will continue to save you money for as long as you own the home and probably even increase the resale value of your house. As an added benefit, better insulation also allows you to help preserve our nation’s limited energy resources.

For more information about insulation, click through the question/answer section below:

How does insulation work for you?

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Does your home need more insulation?

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What kind of insulation should you use?

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How is insulation chosen when building?

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